
Ammonites collected bed-by-bed by the late K.W. Barthel allow a high biostratigraphic resolution of the succession of the Neuburg Formation (Unterhausen Member) into 2 regional Biochronozones (Ciliata Zone, Palmatus Zone) and 5 ammonite faunal horizons. The new finds are important for a revision of the taxa described in the monographs of Th. Schneid. The fauna consists of a Submediterranean stock of perisphinctids, together with some Tethyan and Subboreal faunal elements. Especially the co-occurring Tethyan immigrants Volanoceras schwertschlageri , Virgatosimoceras rothpletzi , and Richterella cf. richteri point to a correlation of basal parts of the Neuburg Formation with the Fallauxi Zone. In the younger faunal horizons the Tethyan influx strongly decreases, so that a direct correlation with the Tethyan standard zonation is impossible. Nevertheless, the ammonites of the younger horizons allow a correlation with the Subboreal zonal scheme.

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