
Thirty-nine (39) new drugs have been approved by the U.S. FDA in 2012, a record highest number of approvals since 1996. The record is a sign that pharma companies are poised to tap recent advances from genomics and proteomics. This list includes novel new drugs, known as new molecular entities (NMEs), biologics and new products. Many life-saving drugs are approved for marketing. The list includes a total of 10 drugs for cancer treatment, and nearly a quarter of those approved in 2012 had orphan drug status. Among the breakthrough drugs approved in 2012 were ivacaftor (cystic fibrosis), vasmodegib (skin cancer), HPC-C (human cord blood product), ruxolitinib (myelofibrosis) and a new combination drug to treat HIV. In addition, several unique products were approved for the treatment of macular degeneration, chronic weight management, overactive bladder, actinic keratosis, erectile dysfunction, glaucoma, respiratory distress syndrome, and COPD. The approval of 39 drugs in 2012 underscores a robust success rate and confirms that innovation is once again beginning to pay off. In the existing climate of reduced revenues in the face of generic competitions, the future and survival of big companies rests heavily on their unique niche products. It is apparent that big Pharma and a growing number of emerging Biotechs alike have focused their attention on developing new NMEs for rare diseases. In 2012, the length of the FDA’s review is shorter than agencies in other countries. Innovative models adopted for R&D strategies, communications, and new regulatory changes appear to shorten development timelines. Despite record drug approvals, there is bleak scope for blockbusters because most of these drugs have a limited market. The pipeline for blockbusters appears very low. However, there is unmet medical need for new drugs in autism, Alzheimer’s disease and epilepsy. Overall, the new drug approval list unveils unique and reemerging trends indicating that the pharma companies are poised for big growth from new brands approved for marketing for narrow-spectrum indications. 

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