
Several surveys on parasite fauna of mustelid mammals have been performed in Japan (Yamaguchi, 1953; Kamiya and Ishigaki, 1972; Sawada and Kugi, 1979; Abe and Kimura, 1990). However, there are few records of cestodes in mustelids in Japan. We obtained Taenia mustelae Gmelin, 1790 from Mustela nivalis in Hokkaido, Japan, representing a new distribution record for the parasite. Six cestodes were collected from the small intestine of a female Mustela nivalis from Koshimizu, Hokkaido, Japan in August 1993. No other helminths were found except 7 Monihiformis sp. (Acanthocephala) from the same site. Eggs obtained from the gravid segments were inoculated into 3 gray, red-backed voles Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae. Then, larvae obtained from the liver of the voles killed at 68 days postinfection (PI) under anesthesia were fed to 5 mink. Mink were necropsied under anesthesia at 20-40 days PI, and adult worms were recovered from the small intestine. Adult worms obtained through both natural and experimental infections were measured for description. The worms were lightly pressed, flattened between slide glasses, fixed in 70% ethanol, stained with acetocarmine, cleared in glycerol, and examined under light microscopy. Descriptions are based on 13 specimens. All measurements offixed specimens are in micrometers unless otherwise indicated and are given as ranges with the mean in parentheses. Total length 32-270 mm, maximum width 1.3-2 mm. Number of segments 70-183. Scolex 351-593 (474) wide. Four oval suckers, 118-186 (156) in diameter. Rostellum 74-120 (99) wide, with 2 rows of 44-58 (50) hooks, 19-22 (21) in the inner row, and 17-22 (20) in the outer row. Genital pores irregularly alternating, opening in the middle on lateral margin of segments. Cirrus sac elongated 187-319 x 64-201 (267 x 122) in mature segments. Cirrus lacking spines. Testes 80-141 (106) in number,

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