
In 2022 Alzheimers Disease Report, World Health Organization (WHO) states that Alzheimers disease and dementia have become the seventh most common causes of death in the U.S. However, there is currently no cure for Alzheimers disease and dementia, therefore research into effective treatments for Alzheimers disease is imminent. This paper introduces the incidence, pathogenesis, pathological mechanisms, and treatment of dementia and Alzheimers disease, and describes the latest research direction for Alzheimers disease - deep brain electrical signal stimulation. Although deep brain electrical signal stimulation is not commonly used to improve and treat cognitive function in Alzheimers disease at this stage of the disease, it is a very promising research direction for repairing or re-stimulating brain function. This paper suggests that it may be possible to use the emerging technology of brain-computer interfaces (BCI), equipped with deep brain electrical stimulation systems, to synchronize the input and output of electrical signals to achieve the purpose of precisely determining the electrical stimulation points. Brain-computer interface technology can also be linked to artificial intelligence technology to build personalized brain models, completing the generalization of therapeutic technology.

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