
Collective Resonances in Metallic Clusters J.-P. Connerade. Recent Advances in Electron-Electron Coincidence Experiments G. Stefani. Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy Momentum Space Images of Atomic Reactions R. Dorner, et al. A Brief Report on Density Functional Theory R.M. Dreizler. Ion-Atom Collisions J.H. Macek. Superfluidity and Fesbach Resonances in BEC R. Cote, et al. (e,2e) Processes C.T. Whelan. Positrons, Positronium and Anti-Hydrogen H.R.J. Walters. Ionization in Time-Dependent Processes: Proton-Hydrogen Collisions S.Y. Ovchinnikov. Magnetic Atom Optics E.A. Hinds. Optics and Interferometry with Atoms and Molecules J. Schmiedmayer. Negative Ion Resonances in Surface Dynamics: New Results and Applications L. Siller, R.E. Palmer. Atomic Collisions with Antiparticles H. Knudsen. Electron Impact Ionization of Helium [(e,2e) & (e,3e)] Investigated with Cold Target Recoil-Ion Momentum Spectroscopy E. Erturk, et al. Near Threshold Electron Impact Ionization of Neon and Argon B. Rouvellou, et al. The Role of Compound States in the Continuum Emission from Moderately Ionized Rare-Earth Plasmas C. Mc Guinness, N. Murphy. (e,3e) Double Ionization: Comparative Results for He, Ne and Ar A. Lahmam-Bennani, A. Duguet. Double Ionization of Helium by Fast Electron Impact A. Dorn, et al. Hollow Atoms and Interactions of Highly Charged Ions with Surfaces G. Giardino. Electron Scattering by Diatomic Molecules Adsorbed on Surfaces K. Higgins, P.G. Burke. Ionization Ion-Atom Collisions: Recoil-Ion Momentum Spectroscopy and Ejected Electron Spectroscopy S.F.C. O'Rourke, et al. Time Reversal Violation in the YbF Molecule B.E. Sauer, et al. Thomas Process and Wave Function Imaging in p-He TransferIonization investigated by COLTRIMS V. Mergel, et al. Positron and Positronium Collisions G. Laricchia. Autoionizing 3s3p6np Resonances along the Argon-like Sequence P. Kampen. Collisionless Modes of a Trapped Bose Gas M.J. Bijlsma, H.T.C. Stoof. (e,2e) Measurements on Lithium with Spin-Polarized Beams of Electrons and Atoms M. Streun, G. Baum. Photoabsorption of Positive Ions G. O'Sullivan. Electron Spectroscopy as a Tool for Environmental Science N.J. Mason, J.M. Gingell. Atomic Physics on High-Performance (Parallel) Computers G.J. Allan. The R Matrix-Floquet Theory of Multiphoton Processes D.H. Glass, et al. Soft X-Ray Narrowband Continuum Emission from Laser Produced Plasmas P.A. Dunne. On the Use of the (e,2e) Technique as a Surface Probe D.W. Essex, C.T. Whelan. Electron Pair Emission from Solids and Clean Surfaces upon Electron and Photon Impact J. Berakdar. Some Remarks on the Scattering of Electrons from a Metallic Surface D.W. Essex, C.T. Whelan. Triple Differential Cross Sections for the Electron Impact Ionization of Helium, Neon and Argon from 0.1 to 1keV. Theory and Experiment Compared A.A. Pinkas, et al. Bose-Einstein Condensates in Spatially Periodic Potentials K. Berg-Sorensen, K. Molmer. An Atom Interferometer as a Thermometer M.K. Oberthaler, et al. Characteristics of Low Energy (e,2e) Processes J. Rasch, C.T. Whelan. New Results for Double Excitation Processes with Helium Targets P.J. Marchalant, et al. Anisotropic Expansion of Finite Temperature Bose Gases-Emergence of Interaction Effects between Condensed and Non-Condensed Atoms C. Liu, et al. Index.

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