
Our analysis of existing methods of production of organic fertilizers does not allow us to effectively solve the problem of reproduction of soil fertility. Computer simulation of the mixing process in the burts by various aggregates showed the extreme unevenness of the distribution of particles of the resulting compost. The assimilation of organic matter in the soil is less than 2%. The recently widespread method of composting in rotating drums leads to the release of ammonia, which indicates the ongoing process of ammonification, which means that the decomposition of organic matter under the influence of putrefactive, moldy and other microorganisms. The resulting compost causes some damage to the soil and crop. A new direction in the production of organic fertilizers is proposed, based on the cultivation of soil microorganisms in special rooms of the microbiological community. These microorganisms, in turn, produce enzymes that significantly accelerate the biochemical processes in the formation of soil humus.

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