
The extensive adoption of mobile devices in India has revolutionized family communication patterns, presenting new dynamics and challenges. This study investigates the role of mobile communication in various aspects of family relationships, including parent-child interactions, marital relationships, and intergenerational dynamics. The aim is to see the evolving landscape of family relations in the digital era on family communication patterns, psychological well-being, and social connectedness. Mobile devices facilitate frequent and convenient communication, allowing family members to stay connected despite physical distances. It has also been observed to increase monitoring and supervision by parents, which may positively influence parent-child relationships. However, excessive mobile usage and dependency may lead to neglect of face-to-face interactions, resulting in reduced family interactions and communication. It is essential to explore the potential consequences of excessive mobile usage and identify strategies to promote healthy mobile communication practices within Indian families. The researcher conducted ten semi-structured interviews in a suburban housing society in Mumbai suburbs with similar socioeconomic strata. The aim was to know more about how mobile phones affect family communications. Qualitative grounded theory analysis was used to find themes and interpret results. (Creswell, 2013) The study explores the role of mobile communication in family relationships, emphasizing the need for effective management of mobile device usage within households. Setting time limits, boosting digital literacy, and encouraging family activities offline are among tactics that could help lessen the detrimental effects of mobile communication on family dynamics. Furthermore, understanding the cultural context of Indian families is crucial, as it can influence the adoption and interpretation of mobile technology within familial relationships. The research concludes that the role of mobile communication and usage in Indian family relations is a complex and multifaceted process. While mobile devices offer convenience and connectivity, their impact on family dynamics must be considered. This research abstract highlights the need for further investigation into the effects of mobile communication on different aspects of family relationships in the Indian context.

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