
AbstractThe peristalsis of the upper urinary tract was studied with kinetic urography in 34 patients in whom conventional urography indicated obstruction of the pyeloureteral junction (PUJ). The fluoroscopic image at urography was recorded and manually transferred to plastic film for later analysis. In 18 patients the following features were found to deviate from normal peristalsis and were considered to be due to obstruction: (1) ectopic starts of retrograde contractions from the pyeloureteral junction, (2) absence of the injection of urine across the PUJ, (3) inhibition of impulse conduction across the PUJ, (4) absence of the postcontraction injection. In the remaining 16 patients the peristalsis was normal. Manometry of the renal pelvis during perfusion was performed in 24 and diuresis renography in 32 of the patients. The findings at kinetic urography were in accordance with manometry in 83%; and with diuresis renography in 71%; In a clinical follow‐up of nonoperated patients as well as patients who had undergone pyeloplasty, kinetic urography proved to be a correct predictive method in 94% of the patients, manometry in 88%, and diuresis renography in 72%, respectively. Kinetic urography thus proved to be a valuable technique for selecting patients likely to benefit from pyeloplasty.

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