
  Hydrologic models often are used to estimate streamflows at ungauged locations for infrastructure planning. These models can contain a multitude of parameters that themselves need to be estimated through calibration. Yet multiple sets of parameter values may perform nearly equally well in simulating flows at gauged sites, making these parameters highly uncertain. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms can quantify parameter uncertainties; however, this can be computationally expensive for hydrological models. Thus, it is important to select an MCMC algorithm that is effective (converges to the true posterior parameter distribution), efficient (fast), reliable (consistent across random seeds) and controllable (insensitive to the algorithms hyperparameters). These characteristics can be assessed through algorithm diagnostics, but current MCMC diagnostics mostly focus on evaluating convergence of an individual search process, not diagnosing general problems of the algorithms. Therefore, additional diagnostics are required to represent algorithms sensitivity to their hyperparameters and to compare their performance across problems. Here, we propose new diagnostics to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, reliability and controllability of four MCMC algorithms: Adaptive Metropolis, Sequential Monte Carlo, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, and DREAM(ZS). The diagnostic method builds off of diagnostics used to assess the performance of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs), and allows us to evaluate the sensitivity of the algorithms to their hyper-parameterization and compare their performance on multiple metrics, such as the Gelman-Rubin diagnostic and Wasserstein distance from the true posterior. We illustrate our diagnostics using the simple Hydrological Model (HYMOD) and several analytical test problems. This allows us to see which algorithms perform well on problems with different characteristics (e.g. known vs. unknown posterior shapes, uni- vs. multi-modality, low- vs. high-dimensionality). Since posterior shapes and modality are often unknown for hydrological problems, it is important to calibrate them with an MCMC algorithm that is robust across a wide variety of posterior shapes, and our new diagnostics allow for this identification.

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