
Context: The device for dental radiographic standardization (DDRS) was developed to minimize the distortions in conventional periapical radiographs or digital subtraction, improving the effectiveness of the technique. Objectives: The objective of this study is to present the DDRS and prove its effectiveness through comparative test, performed with the techniques of Bissetrix and Parallelism. Configurations and Design: The DDRS adapts to the universal radiographic positioner, is economical, and easy to operate. It is recommended for the use in research, where standardization is a requirement. Subjects and Methods: DDRS is produced using the additive manufacturing method for prototyping, after creating a three-dimensional (3D) model using a specific program (Autodesk Inventor 2016, Autodesk, Inc, California, USA). The final prototype was converted to the STL format, which was later read by a 3D printer (3D Machine ONE, Sao Paulo, Brazil). To perform the tests, three radiographic techniques were compared, Bisecting angle technique, parallelism and DDRS fitted to the universal positioner, and two examiners performed the evaluation independently. Statistical Analysis Used: Differences between the techniques were compared by the analysis of variance, followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparisons. The variability of the measured values among the techniques was compared by the Levene’s test. The intraclass correlation coefficients were calculated to evaluate the reproducibility and interexaminer agreement for each technique and parameter. Results: DDRS eliminates the effect of distortion factors that normally affect conventional methods, allowing greater reliability in the interpretation of the image before, during, and after treatment. Conclusions: The DDRS should be used for clinical and routine research purposes, facilitating comparisons of the same image at different time intervals, with minimized errors of vertical and horizontal angulation. This allows greater reliability in the interpretation of the image in relation to the structures of interest.

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