
The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will have an instantaneous luminosity 5–7 times higher than LHC. The ATLAS detector, trigger and data acquisition systems will undergo a significant upgrade to cope with the increased particle rate. The upgrade of the ATLAS first-level muon trigger for High-Luminosity LHC foresees incorporating the high-resolution tracking capability of the Monitored Drift Tubes (MDT) in the current system based on Resistive Plate Chambers and Thin Gap Chambers. The MDT Trigger Processor (MDTTP) processes muon trigger candidates along with MDT hits to improve the accuracy of the transverse momentum calculation at the first-level (level-0) of the muon trigger. One of the major challenges is the capability to process all candidates in a bunch crossing within a tight latency constraint. The MDTTP hardware is based on the Apollo ATCA platform [6]. A complete hardware demonstrator is available and an updated prototype has been recently developed. Recent updates in the firmware development, integration and testing are presented.

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