
‘Republic’ is one of the basic features of Indian Constitution and Constitutionalism. It has its root in Indian history but it was not an obvious choice. Considering the Indian history which is dominated with facts of Kings and their legacy, opting for a Republican form of government was not a natural choice in the Independent India. This aspect was discussed in the chapter 2. Indian Republic is people centric. In the 3rd and 4th segment of the present discourse, the scholar dwells on the fundamental principles of ‘republic’ and it’s constitutional framework in India. Of late, one can note the emergence of new ‘democratic dynasty’ in India due to political compulsion. These dynastic rulers are elected through democratic process and sustained by the structure of the State and political parties. This is a by-product of party and power centric governance. The scholar is of the view that this new emerging trend will undermine the ‘Republican’ values of India, which stands for people and people’s welfare. With reference to the present discourse, secondary data for the period from 2004 onwards has been considered. But the figures and trend speaks about derogation of Republican ethos in our democratic process. In the 5th and 6th segment of the present paper, I have dealt with ‘new democratic dynasty’ and it’s functional implication.

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