
An Upper Maastrichtian horizon rich in Loftusia is for the first time described in situ in Greece in the province of Boeotia. It is found in a continuous undisturbed carbonate sequence of the eastern Greece platform (Subpelagonian zone) of Maastrichtian–Paleocene age followed by flysch sedimentation. Loftusia is found in a facies reflecting an outer shelf environment, associated with debris of rudists, Orbitoides spp., Siderolites calcitrapoides, Omphalocyclus macroporus, Hellenocyclina beotica, Sulcoperculina sp., and echinoderms. Similar fauna, but without Loftusia, is found in the surrounding levels of Late Maastrichtian age as well. This recovery of the genus in the western part of its distribution area, where it is not as abundant as in the eastern part, is considered significant for the palaeobiogeography of the genus in Tethys Ocean during Late Cretaceous. To cite this article: A. Zambetakis-Lekkas, A. Kemeridou, C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).

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