
The Old World syrphid genus Merodon Meigen 1803 is highly species-diverse and has a significant number of endemic species in the circum-Mediterranean area. The present study reports on taxonomic changes resulting from the examination of adult Merodon specimens collected in 15 Turkish provinces during the period 1992 to 2002, and provides new faunistic data. Merodon ilgazense n. sp. is described. Four species of Merodon new to Turkey are recorded: M. armipes Rondani 1843, M. auronites Hurkmans 1993, M. bessarabicus Paramonov 1924 and M. chalybeatus Sack 1913. Lectotypes are designated for two taxa: M. chalybeatus Sack 1913 and M. clunipes Sack 1913. Merodon italicus Rondani 1845 rev. stat. is reinstated as a valid species. Following a detailed study of the type material in different entomological collections, the status of 10 taxa is revised and five new synonymies are proposed: M. albonigrum Vuji Radenkovi & S˘imi 1996 n. syn. (=junior synonym of M. chalybeatus Sack 1913); M. alexeji Paramonov 1925 n. syn. (=junior synonym of M. serrulatus Wiedemann in Meigen 1822); M. aureotibia Hurkmans 1993 n. syn. (=junior synonym of M. vandergooti Hurkmans 1993); M. kaloceros Hurkmans 1993 n. syn. (=junior synonym of M. erivanicus Paramonov 1925); M. longicornis Sack 1913 n. syn. (=junior synonym of M. italicus Rondani 1845).

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