
The Zeya-Bureya Basin is a part of the East Asian intracontinental riftogenic belt, which includes oil-and-gas bearing and Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary basins perspective for oil and gas (Upper Zeya, Songliao, Liaohe, North Chinese). The basins are characterized by certain geophysical features: reduced thickness of the Earth’s crust and lithosphere, a higher thermal flow and a raised roof of the asthenosphere. The Zeya-Bureya Basin is composed of Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary-volcanic units, with respect to which the deep structure data are absent. In 2010, geoelectric studies were carried out in this territory using the method of magnetotelluric sounding along the profile Blagoveshchensk-Birokan. These works yielded geoelectric sections down to 2 and 200 km depth. The sedimentary cover is characterized by electric resistivity of 20–50 Ohm m and by thickness of 1700 m. In the section, the Khingan-Olonoi volcanogenic trough is distinct for resistivity of 200–300 Ohm m at a background of 500–1000 Ohm m of the basement rocks. The Zeya-Bureya Basin, in terms of its geophysical characteristics, differs from oil-and-gas bearing basins of the riftogenic belt (thickness of the lithosphere is increased up to 120 km, thermal flow is low, 40–47 mW/m2). The structure of mantle underplating is explicitly seen in the section. The geophysical characteristics close to those of the Zeya-Bureya Depression are typical for gold-bearing structures of the Lower Amur ore district. Nevertheless, manifestations of oil-and-gas bearing potential in particular grabens are possible.

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