
Crouzon syndrome (CS), a syndromic craniosynostosis, is a craniofacial developmental deformity caused by mutations in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2). Previous CS mouse models constructed using traditional gene editing techniques faced issues such as low targeting efficiency, extended lineage cycles, and inconsistent and unstable phenotypes. In this study, a CRISPR/Cas9-mediated strategy was employed to induce a functional augmentation of the Fgfr2 point mutation in mice. Various techniques, including bone staining, micro-CT, histological methods, and behavioral experiments, were employed to systematically examine and corroborate phenotypic disparities between mutant mice (Fgfr2C361Y/+) and their wild-type littermates. Confirmed via PCR-Sanger sequencing, we successfully induced the p.Cys361Tyr missense mutation in the Fgfr2 IIIc isoform of the extracellular domain (corresponding to the p.Cys342Tyr mutation in humans) based on Fgfr2-215 transcript (ENSMUST00000122054.8). Fgfr2C361Y/+ mice exhibited characteristics consistent with the phenotypic features associated with CS, including skull-vault craniosynostosis, skull deformity, shallow orbits accompanied by exophthalmos, midface hypoplasia with malocclusion, and shortened skull base, notably without any apparent limb defects. Furthermore, mutant mice displayed behavioral abnormalities encompassing deficits in learning and memory, social interaction, and motor dysfunction, without anxiety-related disorders. Histopathological examination of the hippocampal region revealed structural abnormalities, suggesting possible brain development impairment secondary to craniosynostosis. In conclusion, we constructed a novel gene-edited Fgfr2C361Y/+ mice strain based on CRISPR/Cas9, which displayed skull and behavioral abnormalities, serving as a new model for studying genetic molecular mechanisms and exploring treatments for CS. KEY MESSAGES: CRISPR/Cas9 crafted a Crouzon model by enhancing Fgfr2-C361Y in mice. Fgfr2C361Y/+ mice replicate CS phenotypes-craniosynostosis and midface anomalies. Mutant mice show diverse behavioral abnormalities, impacting learning and memory. Fgfr2C361Y/+ mice offer a novel model for cranial suture studies and therapeutic exploration.

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