
Two new coordination compounds of cadmium with HF and XeF2 as ligands have been synthesized. Solid white [Cd(HF)](AsF6)2 is obtained from an anhydrous HF (aHF) solution of Cd(AsF6)2. It crystallizes in a monoclinic P2(1)/c space group with a = 9.4687(14) A, b = 9.2724(11) A, c = 10.5503(18) A, beta = 104.887(7) degrees, and Z = 4. The coordination sphere of Cd consists of 7 + 2 fluorine atoms, which are in a capped trigonal-prismatic arrangement. The reaction between Cd(AsF6)2 and XeF(2 in aHF yields a solid white product at room temperature having the composition [Cd(XeF2)4](AsF6)2 after the excess XeF2 and solvent have been removed under dynamic vacuum. [Cd(XeF2)4](AsF6)2 crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with a = 8.6482(6) A, b = 13.5555(11) A, c = 16.6312(14) A, and Z = 4. The coordination sphere of Cd consists of eight fluorine atoms, which are at the corners of a trigonal prism with two capped side faces.

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