
Introduction: Renewal of Monetary Analysis: Raising the Stakes? Faruk Ulgen Part I: Marchands, Salariat et Capitalistes of Carlo Benetti and Jean Cartilier: What is at Stake? 1. After Thirty Years Carlo Benetti and Jean Cartelier 2. A Few Questions Left Unansawered Ramon Tortajada 3. Nominalism and Money in C. Benetti and J. Cartiller Arnaud Berthoud Part II: Money in the History of Economic Thought: Some New Interpretations 4. Processes of Monetary Exchange: Some Historical Disappearance of Money Jose M. Menudo 5. Unit of Account and Means of Payment: From Benetti and Cartelier to David Ricardo Ghislain Deleplace 6. Monetary Objectivity and Physical Objectivity in Marx's Reproduction Model Carlo Benetti, Alain Beraud, Edith Klimovsky, Antoine Rebeyrol 7. Economics Without Equality? Lord Meghnad Desai 8. A History of the Evolution of the Hahn Process: The Role of the Introduction of a Means of Exchange John Perdomo 9. Monetary Production Economy versus Real Exchange Economy: An Appraisal of Keynes's Contributtion to the Analysis of the Actual Monetary Economy Claude Gnos Part III: The Basis for Monetary Analysis: A Suggested Theoretical Framework and its Extensions 10. The Monetary Constitution of Capitalism Fabrice Tricou 11. Beyond Modern Academic Theory of Money: From 'Flat Money' to 'Payment System' Jean Cartelier 12. Coordination in Economy: An Essay on Money Faruk Ulgen 13. Money, Banks, and Payments: The Structureal Factors of Financial Instability and Systemic Crises Sergio Rossi 14. Can Investment Solve the 'Paradox of Profit' in Monetary Economy? Edouard Cottin-Euziol 15. Fairness, Financial Rents and Conflict: Wage-Earning in a Post-Keynesian Institutionalist Approach and its Macroeconomic Implications Guglielmo Forges Davanzati and Guido Tortorella Esposito 16. Money in the Socialist Economy Guy Bensimon 17. The Monetary Approach by Benetti & Cartelier and the Teaching of Economics: The Experience in Colombia Jose Felix Catano

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