
Three strict constraints upon the electron-electron repulsion energy functional of the one-electron reduced density matrix (the 1-matrix) are obtained by combining its invariance and stationary properties with the extended Koopmans' theorem. The constraints relate the quantities derived from the functional pertaining to an N-electron system with those of its (N-1)-electron congener. Together with the N-representability requirement for the 1-matrix of the congener, identities involving the electron-electron repulsion energies of the two systems and their derivatives with respect to the 1-matrices seriously narrow down the choices for potential approximate density-matrix functionals. This fact is well illustrated in the case of two-electron systems, where the validity of the new constraints is confirmed and found to originate from a nontrivial cancellation among different terms. Thus, the constraints provide a new tool for the construction and testing of new functionals that complements the previously known conditions such as the reproduction of the homogeneous gas energies and momentum distributions, convexity, and the N-representability of the associated 2-matrices.

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