
The formation of space began with the formation of the first star, and then the formation of our Solar System ensued. This is how the evolution of stars and planets, in which chemical elements are synthesized, is described. The dimensions of the system are determined by the relationship of atomic matter with physical vacuum and gravitational forces of attraction. Both micro- and macrosystems have their own oscillation frequencies, and thus a continuous spectrum of different frequencies emerges and fills the entire space of the Universe; resonance is the most plausible mechanism underlying the interactions of the oscillations of these micro- and macrosystems. The development of the material world proceeds from the simple to the complex. The frequency of electromagnetic radiation of atomic hydrogen precedes the frequency of radiation of all subsequent chemical elements of the periodic table, and the rhythms of each subsequent element are harmonized with the vibrations of the hydrogen atom according to the resonance relations. This study touches upon global issues regarding the origin of chemical elements with the whole set of their stable and radioactive isotopes and their prevalence in the Universe. Some aspects of the constancy of the speed of light and mode oscillations on the Sun, as well as Schumann resonances, are addressed. Vibration is the single connection and the single source of motion in all this diversity.

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