
The purpose of this report is to present new collection records for species of mosquitoes that have not been found in Connecticut for many years. Psorophora ciliata was once regarded as a common pest species (Britton, 1904, Rep. of the Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., p. 253–308), but has not been detected since it was last mentioned in publications by Felton, Barns & Wilson in 1950 (Mosquito News 10 :84–91). Psorophora ferox has long been listed as present in Connecticut (Matheson, 1945, Conn. State Geol., and Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 68 : 1–48), but has not been found during the past 2 decades. Anopheles earlei was listed as present in the state 25 years ago (Matheson, loc. cit.), but Carpenter & La Casse (1955, Mosquitoes of North America, 353 p.), indicated that many of the early records of A. occidentalis were probably A. earlei. The present collection represents the first in recent years.

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