
In the course of rearing chironomids for a study of these midges in Florida, three new species have been found and are herein described. Descriptions are also included of the larva and pupa of three species previously known only from the adult stage. Disposition of types is indicated in parenthesis after data: United States National Museum (USNM), Washington, D. C., and Florida State Collection of Arthropods (FSCA), Division of Plant Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture, Gainesville; all other types, as well as specimens from which larvae and pupae of known species are described, are in the collection of the Florida State Board of Health (FSBH). All figures of new species are made from the holotypes. The following abbreviations are used: LR for leg ratio (length of fore basitarsus divided by length of fore tibia); AR for antennal ratio (length of last segment of male antenna divided by combined length of remaining flagellar segments; WL for wing length, measured from humeral crossvein to apex.

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