
A method of sample preparation is developed for geological samples of various compositions to provide simultaneous determination of cesium and other alkali metals (Na, K, Li and Rb) on a multichannel spectrometer “Kolibri-2” using flame photometry. The lower limit of cesium determination is close to its average abundance. The procedures of sample preparation and calibrations using reference material standards (RMS)of rocks, soils, sediments and coal ash provided the following ranges of the determinable contents (% wt.): Na 0.025 - 7.4; K 0.085 - 15.0; Li 0.00025 - 0.33; Rb 0.0005 -0.15; Cs 0.0002-0.0070. The accuracy of the results for cesium is confirmed in analysis of RMS and spiking tests. The reduction of time spent for each stage of analysis compared to existing techniques increases the efficiency of the proposed flame photometric technique of determination of alkali metals on a spectrometer “Kolibri-2” and diminishes the time of the classical silicate analysis.


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