
Writers and Their Critics: A Study of Misunderstanding. By Henri Peyre. Ithaca, New York; The Cornell University Press, 1944; pp. xii + 340. $3.00. A Short View of Elizabethan Drama. By Thomas Marc Parrott and Robert Hamilton Ball. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1943; pp. viii + 312. $2.00. The Communication Arts. Sponsored by the National Policy Committee for the High‐School Victory Corps. Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. 1943: pp. 75. $.25. Speak Up! A New Approach to Communication. Revised Edition. By Bess Sondel. Chicago: The University of Chicago Bookstore, 1944; pp. vi + 70. $1.02. Little Black Sambo. By Agnes Curren Hamm. Milwaukee: The Tower Press, 1944; pp. 12. $.50. Approach to Social Studies through Choral Speaking. By Dorothy Harvel and May Williams Ward. Boston: Expression Company, 1945; pp. 184. $2.25. Competitive Debate: Rules and Strategy. By George McCoy Musgrave. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1945; pp. 147. $1.25. Influence of Certain Personal Factors on a Speech Judgment. By Bernard Carp. New Rochelle, New York: The Little Print Company, 1945; pp. 122. $1.75. The Quest for Preaching Power. By John Nicholls Booth. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1943; pp. 229. $2.00. The Creative Delivery of Sermons. By Robert White Kirkpatrick. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1944; pp. xxii + 235. $2.50. Essentials of Parliamentary Procedure. By Zoe Steen Moore and John B. Moore. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1944; pp. x + 221. $2.50.

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