
The Land of the Nile Springs: Being chiefly an Account of how we fought Kabarega. By Colonel Sir Henry Colvile, K.C.M.G., C.B., Grenadier Guards. Illustrated by Mr. J. Burrell‐Smith and Mr. Twidle, from Sketches by the Author and Major Thruston, and from Photographs by the Author. Two Maps. Pp. xv + 312. London: Edward Arnold, 1895. Price 16s. Canyons of the Colorado. By J. W. Powell, Ph.D., LL.D. Meadville, Pa.: Flood and Vincent, 1895. 4to. Pp. 400. Das Deutsch‐Ostafrikanische Schutzgebiet. Im amtlichen Auftrage von Dr. Karl Peters. Mit 23 Vollbildern und 21 Textabbildungen, sowie 3 Karten in besonderer Mappe. München und Leipzig: R. Oldenbourg, 1895. Pp. 419, Appendix and Index. Matabeleland and how we got it. With Notes on the Occupation of Mashunaldnd, and an Account of the 1893 Campaign by the British Smith Africa Co., the adjoining British Territories, and Protectorates. By Capt. Chas. L. Norris Newman. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1895. Pp.243. Among the Gods: Scenes of India, with Legends by the Way. By Augusta Klein. Edinburgh and London: Wm. Blackwood and Sons, 1895. Pp. x+355. Quaint Korea. By Louise J. Miln. London: Osgood, M'Ilvaine, and Co., 1895. Pp. 306. The Model Republic: A History of the Rise and Progress of the Swiss People. By F. Grenfell Baker. London: H. S. Nichols and Co., 1895. Pp. 550. Price 10s. 6d. net. The History of the Australasian Colonies from their Foundation to the year 1893. (Cambridge Historical Series.) By Edward Jenks, M.A. With two Coloured Maps. Cambridge: The University Press, 1895. Pp. xvi + 352. Price 6s. The Buding Races of Prehistoric Times in India, South‐Western Asia, and Southern Europe. By J. F. Hewitt, late Commissioner of Chota Nagpore. Volume II. Westminster: Archibald Constable and Company, Publishers to the India Office, 14 Parliament Street, S.W., 1895. Pp. xxxv + 382. British East Africa or Ibea: A History of the Formation and Work of the Imperial British East Africa Company. By P. L. M'Dermott. With Map and Frontispiece. New edition. London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1895. Pp. 454, 18 Appendices and Index. The Royal Natural History. Edited by Richard Lydekker, B.A., F.R.S., etc., with Preface by P. L. Sclater, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., etc. Illustrated with 72 Coloured Plates and 1600 Engravings, by W. Kuhnert, F. Specht, P. J. Smit, G. Mützel, A. T. Elwes, J. Wolf, Gambier Bolton, and many others. Vol. ii. pp. xii + 583; vol. iii. pp. xv + 584. London and New York: Frederick Warne and Co., 1894. A Text‐Book of Zoogeography. By Frank È. Beddard, M.A., F.R.S. (Cambridge Natural Science Manuals, Biological Series.) Edited by Arthur E. Shipley, M.A. Cambridge: University Press, 1895. Pp. viii + 246. 5 Maps. A Chapter on Birds. Rare British Visitors. By R. Bowdler Sharpe, LL.D., F.L.S., etc. (Zoological Department, British Museum.) London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1895. 8vo. Pp. ix + 124. 18 Coloured Plates, by Keulemans. Price 3s. 6d. Open Air Studies: an Introduction to Geology out of Boors. By Prof. Grenville A. J. Cole, M.E.I.A., F.G.S. London: Chas. Griffin and Co., 1895. Pp. xii + 322. Price 8s. 6d. School Geography. By James Clyde, M.A., LL.D. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1895. Pp. 551. The Geography of the British Isles, Physical, Political, Commercial. By William Hughes, F.E.G.S., and J. Francon Williams, F.R.G.S. London: George Philip and Son, N.D. Pp. 119–224. Price 1s. 6d. Cassell's Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland: Being a Complete Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom. Ched‐Frome. London, Paris, and Melbourne: Cassell and Co., 1895. Climbing in the British Isles. 2.— Wales and Ireland. Wales by W. P. Haskett Smith, M.A.; Ireland by H. C. Hart. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1895. Pp. viii + 197. Price 3s. 6d. Illustrated Europe: Nos. 164 and 166. The Stanserhorn and the Stanserhorn Railway. By Woldemar Cubasch.—Ospedaletti. By E. Adler. Zürich: Art. Institut Orell Füssli. Price 6d. each. Panorama seen from the Observatory on the Summit of Ben Nevis. From Drawings by James E. Shearer. Stirling: E. S. Shearer and Son.

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