
This paper presents an overview of the results achieved in the laboratory for molecular studies of the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, University of Novi Sad, in the field of biotechnology, mainly in molecular genetics, genomics and functional genomics. Researches are designed to serve as a breeding tool. The aim was to clarify the processes of classical genetics by applying modern methods and enable a qualitative and rapid progress in understanding the processes that occur at the level of genes in the genome of forest plant species and thus help the processes of conservation of valuable taxa at the time of global climate change. The results are presented within various research fields and by type of forest trees that were given priority by importance in forest ecosystems. Studies have in most cases been of applicative character with the aim of solving the major problems in forestry, but also of fundamental nature when they were necessary to elucidate the response of forest species to the induced stress, which is an inevitable component of the time characterized by tolerance and adaptation as keywords.


  • NEW BIOTECHNOLOGIES IN SERBIAN FORESTRY Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the results achieved in the laboratory for molecular studies of the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, University of Novi Sad, in the field of biotechnology, mainly in molecular genetics, genomics and functional genomics

  • The aim was to clarify the processes of classical genetics by applying modern methods and enable a qualitative and rapid progress in understanding the processes that occur at the level of genes in the genome of forest plant species and help the processes of conservation of valuable taxa at the time of global climate change

  • Summary This paper presents an overview of the results achieved in the laboratory for molecular studies of the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, University of Novi Sad, in the field of biotechnology, mainly in molecular genetics, genomics and functional genomics

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Извод: У раду је приказан преглед досадашњих резултата постигнутих у лабораторији за молекуларна истраживања Института за низијско шумарство и животну средину Универзитета у Новом Саду у области биотехнологије, превасходно молекуларне генетике, геномике и функционалне геномике. Резултати су приказани по областима истраживања као и по врстама шумског дрвећа којима је дат приоритет по важности у шумским екосистемима. NEW BIOTECHNOLOGIES IN SERBIAN FORESTRY Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the results achieved in the laboratory for molecular studies of the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, University of Novi Sad, in the field of biotechnology, mainly in molecular genetics, genomics and functional genomics. Због тога су биохемијски и молекуларни маркери постали веома поуздани у циљу детекције хибрида и индивидуа непознатог порекла као и одређивања њиховог нивоа генетичке варијабилности и нивоа хетерозиготности (K a r p et al, 1997). Захваљујући досадашњем напретку светске науке у области молекуларне генетике, велики број различитих техника су креиране у циљу што поузданијег откривања генетичке варијабилности на молекуларном нивоу

Примена биотехнологије на шумским врстама
Генотипизација и молекуларна таксономија шумских врста
Молекуларна таксономија патогена шумских врста
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