
A new attribute energy-weighted AVO (EAVO) is one of the derived attributes of AVO which is often used as an indicator of the presence of hydrocarbons and can be applied to pre-stack and post-stack seismic data. The main principle of this attribute is to increase the anomalous response associated with hydrocarbons while attenuating the seismic background around the anomaly. This advantage is not found in other types of attributes where almost all of the seismic attributes can only be used on one type of seismic data. This study aims to apply the EAVO attribute to pre-stack and post-stack seismic data in determining the distribution of hydrocarbons in the Acacia Bagus structure, Jatibarang Field, North West Java Basin. Pre-stack, post-stack, and Well A-01 seismic data are the data used in this study. First of all, a quick look interpretation of the well data is carried out to determine the target zone. After that, pre-conditioning gather, well seismic tie, horizon picking, and continued application of the EAVO attribute to each seismic data are carried out. Two targets are found in Cibulakan Formation (target A) and Baturaja Formation (target B), both comprised by limestone. There is a response in the form of peak amplitude on the data gather whose energy is getting weaker as the offset increases for both targets. Then for the stack data, the peak amplitude response is only found on target B. However, if one looks at the horizontal slice of the stack data, there is a high amplitude distribution in the north and south of the research zone for target A, as well as a distribution in the north of the research zone for target B.

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