
Jo Dweck, born in Istanbul, Turkey and Brazilian naturalized, is Dr. Eng. in Chemical Engineering from Sao Paulo University, Brazil. He is Titular Professor of the School of Chemistry at Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ), where he works since 1970. Adjunct Professor of the Chemistry Department Louisiana State University (LSU) and collaborating with the Chemical Engineering Department of the Polytechnic School of Sao Paulo University (USP). He has more than 30 years experience on Industrial waste and effluent processing. He speaks in Portuguese, English, French, Italian, and Spanish and since 1984 has been working mostly on thermal analysis applied to material science, industrial products, and byproducts. He has developed TG, DTA, and NCDTA prototypes and new applications on the characterization and quality control of minerals and raw materials, natural and synthetic products, and industrial and municipal wastes and on their thermal processing and properties. Lecturer on Material and Process Thermal Analysis and Advanced Inorganic Technologies to graduate students, and on Ceramic Technology, Experimental Inorganic Technology, and Industrial Waste Chemical Processing to undergraduate students. Former experience teaching on Physics, Heat Transfer, Unit Operations—Distillation and Extraction, Inorganic Process Industries, Fertilizers and their Raw Materials Industries. Consultant of Post Doctoral research Associates and Graduate Students, advised 8 PhD, 13 MSc graduate students, and 60 undergraduate students on scientific and technological research, currently advising 4 PhD and 3 MSc students at UFRJ and 2 PhD students at USP. Has published 58 papers in scientific journals and 64 papers in conference proceedings. Has worked on Brazilian and International joint projects on new thermal analysis developments at Louisiana State University, LA/USA, Rutgers University, NJ/USA, ISCI, Israel, IMA/UFRJ, RJ, Brazil, and USP/Brazil. As Industry Consultant has worked on research staff training in thermal analysis and/or new applications development for Petrobras (Brazil), Petrosix (Brazil), TA Instruments (USA)—Souza Cruz S/A (Brazil), and Eletronuclear S/A—(Brazil). Fellow of the International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, the Brazilian Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Society, and the Brazilian Ceramic Society, acts as referee of the Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (JTAC), International Journal of Environment and Pollution, and Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering. He was one of the Guest Editors of the JTAC special issue Volume 67 Number 2. J. Dweck (&) Escola de Quimica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Bloco E do CT, Sala E-206, Cidade Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, CEP 21949-900 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil e-mail: dweck@eq.ufrj.br

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