
The fluorophore and fluorescence yield from tryptamine and 3-methoxytyramine in histochemical protein models have been compared in the standard formaldehyde reaction, the acid-catalyzed formaldehyde reaction, the formaldehyde-ozone reaction, and the aluminum-formaldehyde reaction. In the standard formaldehyde reaction both the fluorophore and fluorescence yields are low. However, the other reactions give a dramatic increase in fluorescence intensity (18-20 times) from tryptamine and 3-methoxytyramine whereas only minor changes (up to 100% increase) in fluorophore yield are observed. It is concluded that the relative fluorescence intensity of each fluorophore molecule formed in the three modifications of the formaldehyde reaction is much higher than that of the molecules formed in the standard formaldehyde reaction. It has previously been demonstrated that the fluorophores formed from dopamine in the gaseous formaldehyde and glyoxylic acid reactions have a much higher (10 times) relative fluorescence intensity than the synthetic fluorophores. the prresent experiments show that if the histochemicl models are dissolved in buffer after the reaction and new models are made from this solution, the fluorescence intensity of the fluorophores formed in the reaction is drastically reduced and becomes comparable to that of the synthetic ones. The results of this and our previous studies indicate that hitherto unknown fluorescence enhancing mechanisms play a major role for the fluorescence yield, i.e. the sensitivity, in the various formaldehyde and glyoxylic acid methods. One possible explanation to the high relative fluorescence intensity of the fluorophores formed in the histochemical reactions could be an energy transfer between, e.g. the non-fluorescent intermediary reaction products (the tetrahydro derivatives) and the fluorophores (the dihydroisoquinolines and dihydro-beta-carbolines). Such an energy transfer is probably attenuated in the dissolved models, where th distances betweenm and orientations of the various molecules have been changed.

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