
Investigations of structural and magnetic phase transitions in the NiMn0.89Cr0.11Ge half-Heusler alloy were carried out by DSC, XRD (80–400K), magnetic susceptibility and magnetization (1.9–400K, magnetic field up to 9.0T, pressure up to 5.25kbar) measurements. At high temperatures the sample is a single phase crystallizing in the hexagonal crystal structure (Ni2In-type, space group P63/mmc) while below 260K, down to 100K, some amount of the hexagonal phase coexists with the orthorhombic (TiNiSi-type, space group Pnma) one. Strong magnetostructural coupling is observed. Magnetic data indicate that with increasing temperature magnetic properties of the sample change from antiferro- to ferro- and then to paramagnetic ones. The latter magnetic phase transition is associated with the crystal structure change and results in large magnetic entropy change equal to −51J/kgK at μ0H= 9.0T near 260K. Application of external pressure shifts TC towards lower temperatures.

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