
As a part of the Department of Defense (DoD) Reliability Improvement Working Group, the U.S. Army Evaluation Center (AEC) and the U.S. Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity (AMSAA) developed an Excel-based Reliability Program Scorecard tool to standardize the assessment of a program's path to meeting its reliability requirements. The Reliability Program Scorecard examines a supplier's use of reliability best practices, as well as the supplier's planned and completed reliability tasks. The Scorecard is important for tracking the achievement of reliability requirements and rating the adequacy of the overall Reliability Program. An early Scorecard may be based solely on a Reliability Program Plan, but as time progresses, the Scorecard will become more accurate if information from technical interchange meetings, a Reliability Case, and results from early reliability tests, are included. The Reliability Case documents the supplier's understanding of the reliability requirements, the plan to achieve the requirements, and a regularly-updated analysis of progress towards meeting the requirements. There are 40 separate elements among the eight categories in the scorecard. The eight categories are: Reliability Requirements and Planning, Training and Development, Reliability Analysis, Reliability Testing, Supply Chain Management, Failure Tracking and Reporting, Verification and Validation, and Reliability Improvements. Each element within a category can be given a risk rating of high, medium, or low (red, yellow, or green) or not evaluated (gray). The elements are weighted and a normalized overall program risk score and category risk score are produced. This Scorecard is important in tracking the achievement of reliability requirements and rating the adequacy of the overall Reliability Program through a system's life cycle.

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