
New research findings, changing health care structures and digitalisation are prompting further development of medical studies in Germany. The current amendment of the approbation regulations ("Ärztliche Approbationsordnung") focuses on the promotion of practical relevance and competence orientation of the course content and examinations, the redesign of the practical year and the expansion of general medicine in medical studies. This creates opportunities and challenges for urological training at the undergraduate level in Germany. In order to integrate basic scientific and clinical content, the existing curricula of the medical faculties must be adapted and further developed. There is an opportunity to implement innovative teaching and examination concepts in urological teaching and to attract the next generation of academics viascientific work in urology. In addition, the inclusion of teaching hospitals and outpatient areas can support university hospitals in urological training and show students the full range of the specialty. At the same time, given the limited time available for medical studies, there is the challenge of ensuring sufficient space for urology in the curricula. In order to fully implement the upcoming reform of medical studies, adequate financial and human resources are needed, as well as active commitment on the part of the teaching staff at the medical faculties.

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