
The article presents conceptual foundations for solving the problem of global importance that determines the sustainable development of all countries and regions without exception. The energy transition is being implemented amid the unfolding global energy crisis; economic ties and logistics routes are being broken and rebuilt; and political decisions are being taken, shaping the socio-economic and technical architecture of the world. Having summarized scientific publications and analytical reports and the results of expert surveys, the authors were able to substantiate that the energy transition is an interdisciplinary task that requires taking into account numerous factors of different nature and risks arising from the one-sided orientation of energy systems to use a particular type of energy source or type of energy production. As the main conceptual provision of the article, a thesis about the social equivalence of the final results of the energy transition is put forward: reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring the reliability of energy supply and a socially acceptable level of electricity prices. New elements of the energy transition concept include the definition of transformation milestones, a diversified technical policy, and tools for advanced training of personnel to work in complex projects of energy system transformations. It has been proven that the main factor for the successful implementation of the energy transition is the presence of a technical policy, i.e., a set of measures that enable consistent decisions regarding various types of generating capacities, the development of the power grid complex, and the transformation of power-consuming systems. As part of this policy, special attention is paid to recommendations for the development of thermal and nuclear power plants, which are often ignored within long-term energy transition programs.

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