
Direct application of high voltage electric pulses of milliseconds duration to the skin of a mouse enhances in vivo intradermal delivery of injected therapeutic molecules such as DNA. The efficacy of gene transfer and expression is dependent on electrical parameters. DNA electrotransfer in tissues increases the associated DNA expression vaccine potency. This protocol is called “electro-immunization”. In the present study, we report a new strategy for optimizing electro-immunization. In vivo fluorescence imaging was used to detect the expression of a fluorescent protein (DsRed) and therefore allowed rapid optimization of the protocol. In vivo electrogenetransfer in the skin was well tolerated and DsRed expression was followed for over 2 weeks. Expression was voltage dependent under our conditions. Parameters were selected giving the highest level of expression. Under these optimized conditions, electrotransfer of a plasmid encoding VEGF was evaluated for its immune response as a gene therapy of interest involved in anti-angiogenic strategies. Anti VEGF 165 antibodies in sera of mice were evaluated by ELISA and compared to those obtained after conventional immunization. Comparable titres of antibodies were obtained in both groups. An IgG2a predominance was found in mice immunized with the plasmid whereas a IgG1 predominance was observed in mice immunized classically. Skin electro-immunization is therefore shown as a good route for DNA immunization for anti-angiogenesis concern.

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