
On pp. 243 and 244 of his second notebook, Ramanujan recorded seven modular equations of degree 11 followed by two more which he had crossed out. The first modular equation in the list was proved by Berndt using theta function identities. The same was also proved by Venkatachaliengar in a different way. To the best of our knowledge, the only available proofs to the other six modular equations in the list are by Berndt. These proofs employ the theory of modular forms. Interestingly these are the first set of modular equations, the proofs to which by Berndt take a shift from the elementary algebraic methods to the theory of modular forms. In this paper, we reprove all these modular equations of degree 11 (except the first one in the list) by elementary algebraic techniques. First, we use two series identities due to Ye and Liu to prove one of the modular equations and its reciprocal. The remaining modular equations are proved by the method of parametrization.

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