
Recent measurements of total 8B solar neutrino flux comprising neutrinos of different flavors account for all the missing high energy 8B solar neutrinos and agree well with Standard Solar Model (SSM) calculations. Since only electron neutrinos should be produced at the center of the sun, so the observations of neutrinos of different flavors provide evidence in the support of neutrino flavor oscillation. However at present, the uncertainty on the measured 8B solar neutrino flux is over 10% and that on the predicted flux from SSM calculations is also over 10%. So it is important to improve upon the accuracy of both the measured and predicted 8B solar neutrino fluxes for a precise comparison between them. Such comparison should be important for better understanding of both neutrino and solar physics. The most uncertain parameter in the calculation of 8B solar neutrino flux using SSM is 7Be(p,γ)8B reaction rate at solar Gammow energy. This reaction rate is usually represented by S17(0) factor and so high precision measurement of S17(0) factor is required.

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