
Among the different relaying modes employed in amplify-and-forward (AF) dual-hop wireless cooperative systems, the channel-state-information (CSI)-and-noise (CSIN)-assisted mode generates the optimal amplification-gain that limits the relay's retransmitted power. Despite that, and up to this moment, its symbol-error-rate (SER) performance has been evaluated in literature only through approximate analyses. In this letter, we introduce a new analytical approach to analyze its SER exactly. More specifically, we consider a CSIN-assisted AF dual-hop system operating in Rayleigh fading environment with high nodes' mobility and incorrect CSI estimates, and derive novel, generic, and tractable exact expression for its per-frame-average SER performance. The derived expression is also valid for non-moving nodes and perfect CSI estimation scenarios. We also derive the irreducible error floors that appear due to nodes' motion and incorrect CSI estimation.

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