
The Caucasus mountain belt has a complex tectono-thermal history that is as yet poorly understood due to the scarcity of reliable geochronological information. Here, we report new monazite and zircon data from the Dzirula massif in the southern Caucasus, which permit development of a model for Variscan LP-HT (low pressure–high temperature) metamorphism in this region. Data are presented for two key lithologies of the Dzirula massif: 1) a group of variably deformed granitoid (mainly granodioritic-tonalitic) rocks and 2) metapelitic LP-HT cordierite-biotite-sillimanite migmatites and paragneisses. Electron-microprobe Th-U-total Pb monazite dating demonstrates that the LP-HT metamorphism in the Dzirula massif is Variscan, and occurred around 330 Ma. LA-ICP-MS zircon dating reveals that the granitoids include two different magmatic series. An older, mainly tonalitic, series is of Lower Cambrian age. Younger intrusions, including gabbros and diorites, but mainly tonalites and granodiorites, are Variscan in age. The older series show ductile deformation features and, along with the metapelites, experienced Variscan high-grade metamorphism that resulted in penetrative blastic recrystallization and anatexis. The younger series is generally undeformed, but often shows a magmatic foliation, and variable alteration under greenschist facies conditions. It is suggested that the Variscan intrusions facilitated the regional LP-HT metamorphic event at 330 to 340 Ma. Age and petrographic data from the Greater Caucasus imply a similar evolution as observed in the Dzirula massif. The Dzirula massif can thus be used as a proxy to model the evolution of the Caucasian Variscides.

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