
Abstract. The paper is focused on relevant directions in modern Russian Linguistics. It is the continuation of the 2019 publication where the ideas of Pedagogical and Anthropo-Oriented Linguistics, Political Communication Studies and Theological Linguistics were introduced. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the expanding horizons of the science about the language of the 21st century. The particular sections of the text characterize the goals of modern linguistics, its key concepts, objectives and methods currently employed in the sphere of studying language and real discursive practices. The methodology of the research consists in describing new research paradigms. Such paradigms are objectively formed in the course of progressing scientific activity; their changes are triggered by the evolution of society, its socially valuable demand to upgrade not only science but also its educational system on the basis of certain conceptual, value, methodological and technological beliefs. The idea behind this paper is to help teachers to make sense of a big variety of modern linguistic ideas and opt for those which they can use to develop innovative approaches to teaching Russian.

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