
Recommender systems have become ubiquitous Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools that play an important role in filtering online information in our daily lives. Whether we are shopping, browsing movies, or listening to music online, AI recommender systems are working behind the scene to provide us with curated and personalized content, that has been predicted to be relevant to our interest. The increasing prevalence of recommender systems has challenged researchers to develop powerful algorithms that can deliver recommendations with increasing accuracy. In addition to the predictive accuracy of recommender systems, recent research has also started paying attention to their fairness, in particular with regard to the bias and transparency of their predictions. This dissertation contributes to advancing the state of the art in fairness in AI by proposing new Machine Learning models and algorithms that aim to improve the user's experience when receiving recommendations, with a focus that is positioned at the nexus of three objectives, namely accuracy, transparency, and unbiasedness of the predictions. In our research, we focus on state-of-the-art Collaborative Filtering (CF) recommendation approaches trained on implicit feedback data. More specifically, we address the limitations of two established deep learning approaches in two distinct recommendation settings, namely recommendation with user profiles and sequential recommendation. First, we focus on a state of the art pairwise ranking model, namely Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR), which has been found to outperform pointwise models in predictive accuracy in the recommendation with the user profiles setting. Specifically, we address two limitations of BPR: (1) BPR is a black box model that does not explain its outputs, thus limiting the user's trust in the recommendations, and the analyst's ability to scrutinize a model's outputs; and (2) BPR is vulnerable to exposure bias due to the data being Missing Not At Random (MNAR). This exposure bias usually translates into an unfairness against the least popular items because they risk being under-exposed by the recommender system. We propose a novel explainable loss function and a corresponding model called Explainable Bayesian Personalized Ranking (EBPR) that generates recommendations along with item-based explanations. Then, we theoretically quantify the additional exposure bias resulting from the explainability, and use it as a basis to propose an unbiased estimator for the ideal EBPR loss. This being done, we perform an empirical study on three real-world benchmarking datasets that demonstrate the advantages of our proposed models, compared to existing state of the art techniques. Next, we

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