
Nevus comedonicus is a rare hamartoma of the pilosebaceous unit, first described by Kofmann in 1895 [1]. In most cases it is present at birth but may also develop later, usually before the age of 10 years, without racial or sexual preponderance. When appearing in adults, although rare, it is frequently associated with irritation or trauma [2]. The lesions typically present a linear or zosteriform distribution, but extensive areas have already been described, including variant with bilateral involvement. The most frequently affected sites are the face, trunk, neck, and upper limbs. It may affect areas without hair follicles, such as the palms, soles, and the glans penis. Scalp involvement is rare [3]. There may be associations with other skin lesions or abnormalities of the central nervous, musculoskeletal, and ocular system [4]. We present a case of nevus comedonicus in a woman suffering from obesity and acne vulgaris.

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