
The second in a series of Euroconferences on the use of neutrons for studies of condensed matter was arranged 9th to 13th of June 1994 at the Wijk conference center in the Stockholm archipelago. The Euroconference was sponsored by theCommission of the European Communities, Nobel Committees for Physics and Chemistry of the Royal Swedish Academyof Sciences, the Goran Gustafsson Foundation and the Royal Institute of Technology. The subject of the Euroconferencewas this year "Neutrons in Disordered Matter".A large number of applications for financial assistance from young scientists of many countries in Europe were received.However, because of the limited funding only 17 of them could be accepted on scientific grounds resulting in full or partialsupport. Three young scientists were entirely supported from local funds. In order to facilitate the discussions and to havean intimate atmosphere the organizers decided it to be essential to limit the number of participants and to have a suitableproportion between young and senior scientists. Thus, in total about 60 participants were attending in the conference.Furthermore each selected young scientist not submitting any contribution has nevertheless been asked to present a postersummarizing his or her research work. Within the frame of a separate CEC contract the participation of five scientists fromcentral and eastern European countries could also be financed.The Euroconference '94 was divided in a school and a conference part. The specific topics covered during the school partwere chosen according to the result of an enquiry sent out together with the first conference announcement. Eight invitedlecturers were thus presenting two-hour reviews at the school. During the two-day conference a large number of contributions were presented, both orally and as posters and the proceedings contain about 75% of them including the lecture notes from one of the invited lecturers, P. Lamparter. Also included is the contribution of G. Caglioti whose lecture has beengiven as an "aperitif talk" before the conference dinner. All contributions have been refereed and revised if necessary.Finally, we would like to sincerely thank everyone without whom the Euroconference '94 would not have been sosuccessful: all the participants for their constant kindness, for their interest and for their very good contributions, as can be judgedupon in this proceedings Maria Tungström and the staff of Wijk conference center for their professionalism and their permanent availability Bo Hortlund and the staff of the travel agency at the Royal Institute of Technology for their enthusiasm in making thetravel arrangements.

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