
There are a wide variety of fast spectrum molten salt reactor (FSMSR) designs and corresponding fuel cycles that shown promise. These designs differ in features. Therefore, it becomes difficult to determine whether a set of parameters is applicable to all, one, or none of these designs. This paper presents a number of iterations of a FSMSR concept with a sodium chloride carrier salt. Different design characteristics and their effects on the neurotics parameters are shown. The results show that effective delayed neutron fraction, mean neutron generation time, neutron yield, and energy of neutrons causing a fission all follow trends based off the heavy metal concentration and leakage rate. This paper also gives preliminary fuel cycle calculations and the evolution of the neutronic parameters over burnup. A FSMSR initially fueled with low enriched uranium will naturally breed at a certain core volume, without a need for refueling, for decades of full power operation.

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