
Small modular reactors (SMRs) are part of a new generation of nuclear reactor being developed worldwide. One of the advantages of SMR is the flexibility to adopt the advanced design concepts and technology. SMART (System integrated Modular Advanced ReacTor) is a small sized integral type PWR with a thermal power of 330 MW that has been developed by KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). SMART core consists of 57 fuel assemblies which are based on the well proven 17×17 array that has been used in Korean commercial PWRs. SMART is soluble boron free, and the high initial reactivity is mainly controlled by burnable absorbers. The goal of this study is to perform neutronics evaluation of SMART core with UO2 as main fuel. Neutronics calculation was performed by using PIJ and CITATION modules of SRAC 2006 code with JENDL 3.3 as nuclear data library.

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