
Research on molten salt reactor (MSR) neutronics continues in Research Centre Rez (Czech Republic) with experimental work being conducted using fluoride salt that was originally used in the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE). Previous results identified significant variations in the neutron spectrum measured in LiF-NaF salt. These variations could originate from the fluorine description in current nuclear data sets. Subsequent experiments were performed to try to confirm this phenomenon. Therefore, another fluorine-rich compound, Teflon, was used for testing. Critical experiments showed slight discrepancies in C/E-1 for both compounds, Teflon and FLIBE, and systematic overestimation of criticality was observed in calculations. Different nuclear data libraries were used for data set testing. For Teflon, the overestimation is higher when using JENDL-3.3, JENDL-4, and RUSFOND-2010 libraries, all three of which share the same inelastic-to-elastic scattering cross section ratio. Calculations using other libraries (ENDF/B-VII.1, ENDF/B-VII.0, JEFF-3.2, JEFF-3.1, and CENDL-3.1) tend to be closer to the experimental value. Neutron spectrum measurement in both substances revealed structure similar to that seen in previous measurements using LiF-NaF salt, which indicates that the neutron spectrum seems to be strongly shaped by fluorine. Discrepancies between experimental and calculational results seem to be larger in the neutron energy range of 100–1300 keV than in higher energies. In the case of neutron spectrum calculation, none of the tested libraries gives overall better results than the others.

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