
Neutron capture and transmission measurements were carried out from 0.01 to 600 eV on both solid and liquid samples containing elemental cesium (133Cs). Only s-wave resonances were observed in these measurements. These data were analyzed for resonance parameters utilizing the SAMMY Bayesian analysis code to simultaneously fit both the capture and transmission data. Parameters were obtained for 31 cesium resonances up to 600 eV. The thermal capture cross section and capture resonance integral were determined. The thermal capture cross section is 10% larger than the ENDF, JENDL, and JEFF evaluated values but lies within the uncertainty of the most recent measurement by Yoon and Lee [New Phys.: Sae Mulli (Korean Phys. Soc.)., Vol. 61, p. 7 (2011)]. The capture resonance integral has a statistical 1σ error of 2% and lies 1.4σ above the JENDL value, 5.5σ above the ENDF value, and 3.9σ above the JEFF value. The s-wave strength function was determined.

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