
ABSTRACT The exact evolution of elements in the Universe, from primordial to heavier elements produced via the r-process, is still under scrutiny. The supernova deaths of the very first stars led to the enrichment of their local environments, and can leave behind neutron stars (NSs) as remnants. These remnants can end up in binary systems with other NSs, and eventually merge, allowing for the r-process to occur. We study the scenario where a single NS merger (NSM) enriches a halo early in its evolution to understand the impact on the second generation of stars and their metal abundances. We perform a suite of high-resolution cosmological zoom-in simulations using enzo where we have implemented a new NSM model varying the explosion energy and the delay time. In general, an NSM leads to significant r-process enhancement in the second generation of stars in a galaxy with a stellar mass of ∼105 M⊙ at redshift 10. A high explosion energy leads to a Population II (Pop II) mass fraction of 72 per cent being highly enhanced with r-process elements, while a lower explosion energy leads to 80 per cent being enhanced, but only 14 per cent being highly enhanced. When the NSM has a short delay time of 10 Myr, only 5 per cent of the mass fraction of Pop II stars is highly enhanced, while 64 per cent is highly enhanced for the longest delay time of 100 Myr. This work represents a stepping stone towards understanding how NSMs impact their environments and the metal abundances of descendant generations of stars.

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