
Artificial crystal diamond neutron detectors are under test at JET tokamak since 2003 and they have demonstrated to be reliable and stable as well as to withstand the harsh working condition available in a large tokamak. Up to now they were used to measure the total and time dependent neutron emission while neutron spectroscopy was never attempted. On the other hand neutron spectrometry con yields important information on the burning plasma and it is requested for future experiments that will use DT plasmas so producing 14 MeV neutrons. Neutron spectrometry can only be attempted by using single crystal diamond (SCD) which, as it has been demonstrated, can show an energy resolution (FWHM) as low as 0.5%. However, in a future fusion reactor such as ITER, the huge neutron and gamma fluxes as well as the high temperature will not allow the electronics to be located close to the detector measuring point and near the plasma. For this reason it is necessary to develop a new approach in which new detectors able to withstand harsh environments and the electronics are far apart. This is a very challenging task if it is devoted to perform signal Pulse Height Analyses (PHS) with high energy resolution. To exploit this concept a SCD detector covered with a thin layer of 6LiF was installed at JET during the 2008 experimental campaigns and equipped with a remote read-out scheme located about 100 m away from the detector. The detector's signal was transported up to a conceptually new fast charge amplifier (FCA) developed to fulfil the task by means of a high frequency, single, low attenuation, super-screened cable. This FCA is able to read, stretch (up to 100 ns) and amplify the small (some μV) and ultra fast (<; 100 ps wide) signal produced by the radiation in the diamond detector. The signal amplified by the FCA was then processed through a commercial fast digitizer (NI-5114) 250 Ms/sec, 200 MHz equipped with 64 MB ram memory. Both signal amplitude and area can be used to get a PHS spectrum demonstrating the unique performances of the FCA. In the present paper the results obtained at JET are reported as well as the first attempt to get 14 MeV neutron spectrometry using the 14 MeV Frascati Neutron Generator.

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