
Many phenomena in magnetism can be described using classical models, yet magnetism is a quantum mechanical effect. In addition to thermal fluctuations, quantum fluctuations arise due to the quantum uncertainty of the ground state. These fluctuations are enhanced by low dimensionality and low spin. Spin chains show interesting excitations associated with quasiparticles. Model materials for spin chains can be realized in compounds where the interchain interactions are weak enough. This thesis presents neutron scattering studies of two model materials for spin chains with different spin symmetry. The spin2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain CuSO4*5D2O has a main exchange of J ∼ 3 K, which permits to study its excitation spectrum up to temperatures of ten times the exchange. The spin2 Heisenberg magnet has been studied widely both theoretically and experimentally. The excitation spectrum of the spin2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet consists of quasiparticles called spinons, and calculations for it exist for T = 0 and as a function of temperature. A quantitative comparison between experimental data and theoretical models across a range of temperatures is presented. The excitation spectrum of CuSO4*5D2O is excellently described by the excitation spectrum of a spin2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain at finite temperatures. Energy-temperature scaling is observed at temperatures up to 2J . For these temperatures the Luttinger liquid description of the spin2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain is valid. A spinon continuum is confirmed at all measured temperatures. Therefore, even at ten times the main exchange (T ≈ 10 J), CuSO4*5D2O shows the behavior of a quantum magnet, and not of a classical system at infinite temperatures, for which one would expect single spin flips. The Ising chain is one of the most studied models in magnetism, one model compound for it is RbCoCl3. Optical spectroscopy measurements suggest a lower gap than for similar compounds, which makes it better suited for high resolution neutron spectroscopy. Magnetic correlations along the chains arise in RbCoCl3 below 80 K. A gapped continuum is observed, which arises from isolated antiferromagnetic Ising chains. Below the first magnetic ordering temperature TN1 ≈ 28 K bound states are observed, which arise due to correlations which form between the chains. Strong diffuse scattering leads to the conclusion that disorder is still present. At the second magnetic ordering transition, at TN2 ≈ 14 K, the bound states split as the correlations between the chains change. Fits indicate that the correlations change continuously as a function of temperature. Above TN2 the excitation spectrum of RbCoCl3 can be described by a spin1 2 Ising chain with an XY-component which is treated as a perturbation. Below TN2 the main features are reproduced correctly, but deviations from the details indicate that additional terms in the Hamiltonian may be necessary. This thesis was carried out at the Institut Laue-Langevin, the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging at the Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH Zurich.

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