
The IPHI–Neutrons facility is a low energy neutron CANS ( E p = 3 MeV) used to test various technologies for the construction of high current CANS (HiCANS). Part of the research program includes the investigation of the possibility to perform neutron scattering and radiography experiments around CANS. For this purpose, the DIoGENE instrument has recently been installed around the IPHI source. The instrument is aimed as a general-purpose neutron scattering instrument featuring 256 high-pressure 3 He tubes covering a solid angle of 0.74 sr. The instrument is especially suited for diffraction experiments but may be upgraded as a SANS or reflectometry instrument. We are using the DIoGENE instrument to investigate the performances of the neutron TMR, the issues related to background noise due to fast neutrons and gamma rays productions and more generally the ToF data acquisition protocols and processing in event mode. We present in this communication the recent diffraction results obtained on DIoGENE during the tests of the new high power Be target on IPHI–Neutrons.

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